AVANCE Offers a Variety of Programs with Measurable Outcomes
AVANCE is based on the premise that education begins in the home when a child is born and that parents must be their child’s first and most important teacher. AVANCE facilitates change: first, in the parents, then in their young children, family and home. The change AVANCE makes in today’s’ families dramatically impacts future generations. The purpose of the AVANCE program is to develop strong and stable families, healthy children, and promote economic self-sufficiency in families through education.
AVANCE’s holistic, multi-faceted, two generation programs yield measurable learning outcomes while building community and social capital. Our hallmark is the Parent-Child Education Program (PCEP), an evidenced-based model of early intervention that focuses on the interdependent welfare of children, families and the community.
In addition to the core PCEP, AVANCE offers over 15 different programs including Early Head Start, Head Start, Fatherhood, Healthy Marriage, Adult Education, Leadership and Workforce Programs.
This diverse array of programs are grouped in three areas: Parenting, Child-focused and Parent-focused. Click each program to find out more.